Konica Minolta strives to develop solutions to the challenges facing our global society, including climate change. We’re proud to be a leader in environmental sustainability, working with our customers to help reduce impact through ecofriendly products and practices. Our commitment to our planet is supported by our participation in the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT), a voluntary standard for product ratings that measures the environmental impact of electronics products.
EPEAT¸ managed by the Green Electronics Council, is a free and reliable tool that allows buyers to purchase green electronics that meet their organization’s needs while also helping achieve sustainability goals. It tracks more than 4,000 products from 60 manufacturers throughout 43 countries, evaluating products against strict environmental criteria across a product’s lifecycle.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA, Inc. has 42 active products on the EPEAT registry with 33 achieving gold status. To achieve gold status, a product must meet all required criteria, plus at least 75 percent of the optional criteria. Optional points are earned by meeting up to 26 additional criteria. Konica Minolta has 11 products on the EPEAT registry with 21 optional points. This represents the second highest EPEAT point total of imaging equipment manufacturers.
View our EPEAT certified products .