Campus Safety and Security Solutions

The Higher Education Community Demands Security. We Provide It.

Higher education institutions boast cutting-edge technology to enhance their academic programs and support success. However, many continue to use antiquated methods for managing their guest sign-ins, tracking visitors and providing safety to their communities.

These “old school” methods are not sufficient to deliver the level of elevated security demanded by students, teachers, and the higher-education community. In 2021, there were more than 31,000 reported criminal offenses on college campuses across the U.S, according to the U.S. Department of Education’s Campus Safety and Security Department. These offense include 1,626 hate crimes and 12,966 VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) crimes. Additionally, 1,420 fires occurred in on-campus student housing facilities.

Given that incidents of violence, theft, harassment, and other serious safety and security concerns remain a threat on college campuses, it’s time to prioritize campus security with a modern, comprehensive system that deters unwanted visitors and safeguards campuses.

New Friends Walking on University Campus

A Comprehensive Campus Security Plan Includes:

Keep track of the entire campus with cameras that provide clear images in all weather or light conditions and two-way audio communication.

Smart Entry System with facial recognition that can easily adapt to any entrance protocol for peace of mind.

Automatically identify and grant access to authorized students and staff. Generate badges for visitors, recording time and destination. Keep unwanted and blacklisted individuals out by sending automated alerts.

Outdoor surveillance, including license plate recognition, vehicle identification and tracking. Coverage includes parking areas, remote locations, and perimeters of resident halls.

Constant cybersecurity monitoring to ensure data privacy and network security.

Smart video analytics technology that flags patterns in activity to prevent incidents before they occur.

Securing the Campus Requires a Comprehensive Approach
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End-to-End security for any campus requires a holistic approach. Equipped with the right tools and technologies, campus security teams can manage a variety of security and safety concerns while leveraging critical information and insights across the complex higher education environment.

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Comprehensive Security for Colleges and Universities

Build, upgrade or enhance your security system, considering all the areas where you may have gaps in security and safety such as parking lots, campus perimeter or campus transportation. Our intelligent and encompassing security services can give your security team immediate, detailed information to take action when needed.

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Get Started With Konica Minolta

The team at Konica Minolta is here to help your school meet the evolving digital landscape with confidence. We’ll work with you to develop a tailored solution that implements the latest trends and analytics. To get started with Konica Minolta, request a quote today!