IQ-501 Intelligent Quality Optimizer

Printer calibration and profiling
Front-to-back automated registration
Density balance auto adjustment
Real-time tone management controls
Gray balance adjustment for exact color
Streamlines your process

Automatic Color and Image Control

Our new IQ-501 Intelligent Quality Optimizer takes color consistency and registration accuracy to the next level. With highly automated image registration and color control, a closed-loop system that constantly monitors and adjusts printed output, and automated color calibration and profiling, IQ-501 Intelligent Quality Optimizer delivers streamlined operator time, reduced print waste, and industry-leading productivity! This is currently available on our AccurioPress C14000/C12000, C2070/C2070P, C3080/C3080P, C3070, C6100, C6085, 6120, 6136, and 6136P models. See Promotions

  • Automated color and registration adjustment before the first sheet is printed
    • What used to be manual processes to control density, tone, color, and registration values have become as simple as the push of a button with IQ-501, reducing operator time and wasted output
  • Excellent print quality from even your newest press operators
    • This Intelligent Quality Optimizer ensures that even your less experienced press operators will be able to produce precisely registered, calibrated, and profiled color prints, on the first run and on every run. IQ-501 is your key to minimizing labor costs without compromising the print quality your customers demand
  • Real-time color and registration adjustment
    • Continuous monitoring and closed-loop, automated process controls ensure that every print is checked and on-the-fly adjustments are made to ensure only the highest-quality color and registration results for you and your customers.
  • AccurioPro Cloud Eye fleet connectivity
    • IQ-501 Intelligent Quality Optimizer works seamlessly with AccurioPro Cloud Eye, enabling consistent registration, calibration and profiling among a fleet of IQ-501 equipped presses.
  • Printer calibration and profiling
    • To get the best quality from the print engine, a calibration and ICC profile should be created for each new media. This can be a manual, labor intensive process.
  • Front-to-back automated registration
    • Specify the media and tray, and the front-to-back registration will be automatically adjusted for the job, page by page, to control both vertical/horizontal orientation as well as image skew.
  • Density balance auto adjustment
    • Any uneven density values are automatically detected and corrected with the IQ-501.
  • Real-time tone management controls
    • Continuous check-and-correct algorithms ensure smoother skin tones and gradations. Packaging, tags, business cards, high-density images, and colorful tints are rendered richly and accurately through density optimization.
  • Gray balance adjustment for exact color
    • If you’re printing mono pieces or image elements using CMY process grays, any deviation from the reference color is automatically monitored and corrected as you print for both linearization and gray balance.
  • Streamlines your process
    • The IQ-501 prints, reads, and measures sheets, then collects and stores the measured values for that stock automatically, reducing a typical profiling time from a 30 minute task to 5 minutes or less.

Additional Models
AccurioPress C14010S / C12010S / C14010 / C12010
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